Evolis case studies

A Print shop diversifies its service offering
A Print shop diversifies its service offering.

Access control badge for a donation call center
Issue ID badge for volunteers and security staff during French Téléthon.

ID badges for staff members in India
Issue access control badges for the Indian branch employees of the company.

Voter card in Tanzania
Register the population and issue voter card for the presidential election.

Access control at the festival venue
Issuance of customized ID badges for the Hellfest festival teams with the Evolis Primacy solution.

Issuance of personalized student cards in Spain
Find out how Evolis set up a system to issue university cards instantly at a large number of Spanish universities, including Alicante, Salamanca, Grenada, and Zaragoza.

Plastic price tags for a seafood section
Streamlined management of price tags for a supermarket with the Primacy plastic card printer.

For an easy access to Mons 2015 cultural events for visitors
Issuance of customized subscription passes for Mons 2015 and its cultural activities with the Evolis Primacy solution.

Instant printing of visitor badges
Badgy, the simple, effective, and low-cost solution for printing badges.

The Expresspay card for optimized access to China Railway trains
Pre-paid cards for reducing congestion in stations with the Zenius and Pebble 4.