Evolis case studies

Customer identification cards for sports betting in Austria
100.000 cards issue and delivered to betting offices in Austria.

Price tags in US supermarket
Manage efficiently and quickly daily issuance of price tags at the point of sale.

Instant issuance of drivers’ licenses in Paraguay
Issuance of secured and durable driver’s licenses.

Kidzania India issues kids’ cards with Evolis systems
Printing customized cards for interactive indoor theme park chain.

Price Tags for Biocoop
Price tag printing in accordance with European regulations on food information labeling for consumers on fresh produce.

Self-service kiosks issue Berlin’s student cards
Printing thousands of multifunctional cards for the students of Berlin’s Universities.

Elegant price tags for Singaporean bakeries
An easy and qualitative printing solution for elegant price tags in bakeries.

Food tags for hotel buffets in Norway
Printing of several hundreds of food tags for the buffets of hotels with the all-in-one Price Tag solution.

Food tags in norwegian ferries
Streamlined management of food tags displayed in the restaurants and coffee shops of several ships with the Primacy plastic card printer.

Harmonized labeling system for 10 bakeries
Discover how the ABC Bakery group in Singapore has harmonized the price tags of its bakeries.