The Evolis blog

Card linking : easy deployment of instant bank card issuance.
Customer proximity, flexible card issuance, mailing cost savings, and a modern image are key arguments that are prompting financial institutions to decentralize the way in which they issue…

Systems integrators and self-service kiosk manufacturers: expand your service offering
Public access kiosks are used for a variety of purposes including financial transactions, transport and event ticketing and other ticketing services, as well as for issuing various personalized…

How can you simplify the identification of personnel while optimizing data security in a medical environment?
Healthcare establishments house a wide variety of populations: medical and care staff across a multitude of specializations; administrative, maintenance, and security personnel; patients, visitors, providers, etc. What’s more,…

Evolis Greetings 2021
Evolis wishes you all the best for 2021!

Why would you issue access control badges yourself? Discover the three key advantages!
You are responsible for identifying staff and ensuring access control within your organization. Printed and barcoded badges with magnetic strip or contact or contactless chip (RFID): several card…

COVID-19 – Message from Emmanuel Picot, Chairman, to our partners
Dear Partners, France has just taken important new measures to try to contain this epidemic. These exceptional measures announced yesterday by President Macron apply to all French citizens…

5 questions to evaluate the sustainability of your company’s access control system
Ensuring the protection of the people on your premises, your physical assets (buildings, equipment, goods), and your sensitive data is crucial. This requires the use of an access control…

Evolis tests virtual exhibitions and conferences
Après l’annulation de la plupart des conférences et salons physiques dans le monde en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, Evolis a décidé de participer à trois événements…

New Edikio Price Tag software: an even easier way to create your price tags
Le logiciel Edikio Price Tag a été repensé pour répondre au mieux aux besoins de création d’étiquettes de prix des commerçants. Avec la nouvelle version du logiciel Edikio…

Already 18 months! Over 100 Evolis partners have joined us!
Connaissez-vous le Red Program ? Rejoignez la communauté Red! Le Red Program est un programme partenaire sélectif offrant un accompagnement personnalisé aux revendeurs Evolis assurant un service de…